查看完整版本: How to upgrade to level 2?

congaac 2014-12-5 13:43

How to upgrade to level 2?

I don't know chinese so i can't read the rule or faq. I wonder how many post or gold to upgrade my account to level 2?

galaxy-s4 2014-12-5 16:06

use ren min bi mao ye ye

congaac 2014-12-5 19:03

what is ren min bi mao ye ye :(

kristan 2014-12-5 21:06

"Ren Min Bi" means Chinese Yuan.:victory

madness138 2014-12-14 08:54

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congaac 2014-12-19 14:27

read the inbox please madness

高富帅小奉先 2014-12-21 12:48

sorry for ask the question again:how to upgrade to level 2

pllmn2014 2014-12-23 14:44

gread the inbox please madness,old to upgrade to level 2

hnljq 2015-2-7 13:49

just need 50 gold,now you have 32glod ,more than mine

beafcc22 2015-2-16 15:23

If you can't read chinese, then you miss the most important part of this forum. Why not use google translation toos or something like that to help you read the posts of this site?

ll8816 2015-3-20 18:26

just get 250 gold coin,or use some money to buy it

lolo00 2015-3-24 18:08

cannot read Chinese but know how to register and reply , is it possible ?? but now know need 250 gold to reach level 2

dangolen 2015-8-3 05:03

To reach level 2, you will need 5 积分 and 1 积分 = 50 gold, so yeah 250 for level 2

plkom1 2015-8-25 09:56

RMB is the best and fastest way or reply everyone you read in forum, this gonna take a while.

cindrella 2015-9-12 12:21

50 scores qual 1 points, each reply count 1 socre. when you get 5 poins, you are at level 2.

heyouying 2015-9-14 17:32

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10072648 2015-10-13 19:38

There are two method that could let you upgrade to LEVEL 2.
1) you could pay for it...but I have no idea how many CNY you should pay for. For the reason that I'm still LEVEL 1...
2) you could reply other people's topic then you will get one gold as reward. When you get 250 gold, you could be LEVEL 2.

another advise... I suppose that SIS have the website in English version, why not access the English one?

[[i] 本帖最后由 10072648 于 2015-10-13 19:40 编辑 [/i]]

laixilx 2015-11-14 01:34

down a translate software then you can read the rule or faq.

burn_inhell 2015-11-14 20:34

,now you have 32glod ,more than mine:faint

andrew16 2016-2-22 15:41

will you drop from level 2 to level 1 after some time downloading using gold?
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查看完整版本: How to upgrade to level 2?